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Found 44131 results for any of the keywords xavier institute of. Time 0.009 seconds.
Mass Media Courses - Mass Communication, Journalism, Advertising anXIC, Mumbai, Offers different mass media, mass communication, public relations, advertising and marketing, corporate communication courses. Choose from Diploma Courses, Certificate courses and workshops.
PGDM Institute of Marketing, HR, Finance and Rural Management – XIDASXavier Institute of Development Action and Studies is AICTE approved Top Ranked PGDM Institute in India. Offering two - years full time post graduate diploma in Marketing, Finance, Human Resource and Rural Management pro
XAT 2014 Cut-offs (Updated)Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) 2014 was conducted on January 5, 2014 between 10:30 am and 1:23 pm. Know more about XAT 2014 Cut-offs (Updated)
Top MBA Colleges Under XAT ApnaMBA(Between 09:00am 07:00pm, Monday-Saturday)
Jayein toh jayein kahaan 2023: Top MBA collegesThe most important measure of the worth of a B School is its placement record. Know more about top MBA colleges and their rankings.
XXIC - The XIC Alumni ConnectXIC, Mumbai, Offers different mass media, mass communication, public relations, advertising and marketing, corporate communication courses. Choose from post-graduation Diploma Courses, Certificate courses and workshops.
XIDAS Jabalpur - YouTubeXavier Institute of Development Action and Studies (XIDAS) was founded in the year 1995 by Fr. Michael Van den Bogaert, SJ. It is a Registered Society run by...
The Institute | Mass Media Courses - Mass Communication, Journalism, AXIC, Mumbai, Offers different mass media, mass communication, public relations, advertising and marketing, corporate communication courses. Choose from Diploma Courses, Certificate courses and workshops.
Find top online colleges India with online degree programs - SikshapedGet top online colleges India with degree programs, graduation courses, distance learning colleges in India, best online colleges for information.
Mass Media Facilities for Hire at XICXIC, Mumbai, Offers different mass media, mass communication, public relations, advertising and marketing, corporate communication courses. Choose from Diploma Courses, Certificate courses and workshops.
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